ProCredit Bank launches the Smart Manager - a next generation budget management application

On 19 August, ProCredit Bank, the only bank in Romania that is 100% owned by German shareholders, launched the Smart Manager application for private clients, available through our Internet banking service Pro B@nking Plus. Unique in the Romanian market, this innovative service enables clients to organise and efficiently manage their income and expenditures.


The Smart Manager application automatically assigns every transaction to a predefined category, thus enabling the user to have a comprehensive overview of their expenditures and income. Clients can personalise the application by creating their own parameters for managing their finances and also set savings goals using the unique savings services offered by ProCredit Bank. The application allows clients to check the progress of their savings efforts.


This new budget management application is only available to private clients with Smart Total accounts. The Smart Manager is a solution developed for people who are eager to efficiently organise their income, save conveniently and enjoy the flexibility of having access to their personal funds anytime and anywhere.


“By developing this new application, ProCredit Bank continues to provide its clients with innovative solutions. We launched the Smart Manager because we not only wanted to offer ProCredit Bank clients flexible accounts and convenient interest rates, but also a clear picture of the way they are managing their income and expenditures. As a result, they now have the possibility to identify their savings potential, set financial goals and observe their progress. In this way, clients can pinpoint areas of their own budget management which they need to pay closer attention to in order to reach their savings goals,”said Heribert Kailbach, Deputy General Manager of ProCredit Bank Romania.


ProCredit Bank’s Internet banking service, through which the Smart Manager is available, is one of the most frequently used and user-friendly platforms in the Romanian banking market. The transactions performed via this platform by private clients in 2013 increased by approximately 60% compared to 2012.


In April 2014, ProCredit Bank received an award for remarkable performance in online banking at the Online Banking Gala 2014 organised by Finmedia. This award recognises the highest growth rate in the volume of transactions conducted by private clients in one year as well as the highest average.


ProCredit Bank has a network of 28 branches and service points located in the country’s main cities serving a wide range of business and private customers, with a focus on small and medium enterprises.