ProCredit Bank signed the agreement with A.P.I.A. for suporting animal breeding sector

Bucharest, 19.10.2012


ProCredit Bank Romaniahas signed the agreement with the Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture for funding the animal breeding sector based on the subsidies received by the beneficiaries in 2012. The financing can be accessed starting with October 2012.

Thus, based on the agreement signed, the bank provides financing for working capital for the beneficiaries of complementary national direct payments for animal breeding sector, in the amount of maximum of 90% of the subsidy to be paid by A.P.I.A.

The credit line offered by ProCredit Bank has maximum maturity until September 30, 2013, the deadline for receiving of the last installment of A.P.I.A. subsidies by farmers. Both the original loan and interest on amounts can be remitted upon receipt of the A.P.I.A.

Bank accepts flexible guarantees. In addition, customers can ask for guarantees provided by the Rural Credit Guarantee Fund which ProCredit Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with.